- Align synthesizer for exact frequency.
- Align the receiver stages.
- Align the squelch threshold.
- Align RX S-meter.
- Align Transmitter stages for maximum
safe output.
- Adjust the AMC (not cut it) for loud
and clear audio.
AMC = Automatic Modulation Control
- Balance power tuning for even output
from 1 to 40.
- Adjust the Low Pass filter for maximum
attenuation above 40Mhz.
- Align SWR circuit to warn you at 3:1
- Align SWR meter accuracy by inserting
a 3:1
load and calibrating the
meter to read 3:1
- Align TX meter
- Add internal jumper to avoid ground
- Change fuse from 2A to 4A.
- Carrier is usually 6W, sometimes 5.
- Peak power can be anywhere between 25
and 32
but is usually around 28.