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  CB Radio Accessories



Lighted Radio Knobs


    Lighted Radio Knob kit for your CB radio with triple LED illumination.  Star Bryte made by Stryker Radio. The knob is clear with colored LED lights. Glows the LED through the clear knob.

The installation is rather difficult and very time consuming.


 *** We found these to be too  large for the Cobra 29LX series and too small to use a tension clip.
(on the vol/sq knob)


If all this confuses you please call to order by radio model type.


Model # SR-2 Volume/Squelch

Volume/Squelch Control Knob
LED Inside-knob glows
Extra Long Knob
For "D" Shaft Controls
Single Knob
Model # SR-3

Band/Rotary Control Knob
LED Inside knob glows
Extra Long Knob
For Knurled (18 Teeth) Shaft Controls
Single Knob
Model # SR-1
Channel Selector

Channel/Frequency Knob
LED Inside knob glows
Extra Long Knob
For "D" Shaft Controls
Single Knob

Galaxy 959 with Green
Galaxy DX-959


SR-497 with Starbryte knobs

On some radios that have illumination already, like the Stryker SR-497, all you have to do is change the knobs, no rings required.


Tech Tips:  I usually use about a 100 ohm resister in series with the red wire.  I run the black (-) wire through a   switch and I use and an additional 200 Ohms for medium and 1000 ohms for very dim (night time). Resistance values changed to your liking, the larger the value the dimmer the light.


Band Switch

Channel Selector
Knob only-NO Rings
Band Switch
Knob only-NO Rings
Channel Selector
Knob only-NO Rings

Make sure to specify your radio model exactly and how many of each type of knob you have.  (you can tell us in the comments block when you check out)

Tech note:  Do you need the metal clips for inside the knobs?  Stryker expects you to use the clips from your old knobs, if you don't have the old knobs or if your old knobs didn't use  metal clips, you can buy them HERE.


  • Easy two wire hook-up.
  • Easy Installation Instructions included.

OFF   -   ON

                           Knobs UNLIT          Knobs LIT

Rings Only
Rings without clear knobs





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