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M60-07698 DM-5000 5 Pin Echo Mic

Tornado Echo
W/ sound byte

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The echo in this microphone is compared to (clone) of the RF Limited EC-2018 Turbo. 

Dual controls in the rear allow for a wide range of echo effects and digital delay.  From robotic sounds to echo that repeats and repeats and repeats......

A small set screw hole in the rear allows simple adjustment of the mic volume and the "Talk Back" volume. (*your able to hear yourself talk).

There is a plug on the side with two buttons. One red and one black.  The black one is for play back and the red one for recording.

Record any sound byte from a 3.5mm source (computer, mp3 player etc..)

Play back on the air.



* The "Talk Back" feature does not work on all radios.

  • If you have to plug your mic into the radio in order to hear the receive, then it will work for you.

  • If you get receive sound without any mic plugged in, then the Talk Back feature will not work for you.

  ...Discontinued...  $49.50

Unfortunately this microphone tends to have excessive RF interference and squeals just too often. Sometimes it works great for a well grounded station, sometimes it didn't for "less grounded" individuals and we just couldn't accept any more warranty claims due to this problem. We decided to no longer carry this product.




Pin #1 = Ground (braid and yellow)

Pin #2 = Mic audio (white)

Pin #3 = transmit (red)

Pin #4 = Receive (blue)







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