is a 480-channel, 12 band synthesized mobile transceiver covering the
range of 28.000 to 29.665 MHz. It operates in any of 5 modes including CW, FM, AM, USB and LSB, and features an Automatic Noise Limiter/Noise
Blanker (ANL/NB) to help eliminate repetitive impulse noise.
Its multi-function meter gives direct indication of received signal
strength, RF power output or Standing Wave Ratio (SWR). A Mic Gain
control is provided to adjust full talk power and an RF Gain control to
set the sensitivity of the RF amplifier under strong signal conditions.
This unit is also equipped with a Frequency Counter
Connector for the optional Ranger FC-390 Frequency Counter. The FC-390 displays
the actual operating frequency on an LED readout.
- NEW PLL & VCO Synthesized Design More Stable
- Built in Double FET Balance Mixer for excellent intermodulation
Performance in RX.
- Noise Limiter / Blanker
- S/RF Meter with SWR Indication
- RF gain and Mic Gain Controls
- Variable RF power
- Frequency Counter Connector
- External Speaker Jack