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Good Conduct MedalMeritorious Unit CommendationNational Defense Service Medal
Pistol Marksmanship MedalRifle Marksmanship MedalSea Service Deployment Ribbon


  • 1985 Graduated High School in Goffstown, NH.
  • 1985  USN Basic Training (Boot Camp) in Great Lakes, Illinois
  • Attended USN Basic Submarine School
  • 1985-1986  Attended :
    •  Strategic Weapons Electronics (SWS) "A" School.  
      22 weeks, 9 hour days learning in depth electronics, Calculus, and some physics. Graduates are selected in the order of their class standing to attend one of three "C" level Schools.  I Finished Second in the class with a
      3.89 GPA and  I chose ET (Electronics Tech) for my advanced "C" schooling.  The three "rating  C" school available where: 
      •  ET (Electronics Tech)
      •  FT (Fire Control Tech)
      • MT (Missile Tech).  


  • 1986 Attended:
    •  Electronics Technician (ET) CNC "C" School (Central Navigation Computer).  
       I was given detailed computer electronic training for repair and programming of the Central Navigation Computer System and support equipment on-board Poseidon Nuclear Submarines.  
      Equipment included:
      • Central Navigation Computer (CNC)
      • Digital to Digital Converter, 
      • Analog to Digital Converter,
      • Navigation Control Console
      • Magnetic Tape Unit
      •  Input/output panels.  

        All this stuff had to do with supplying digital navigation data to the Poseidon missiles and to the Submarine navigation division. .  I Graduated this school at the top of my class, which once again gave me the first pick of my next duty station. I chose the USS Kamehameha SSBN-642 (Poseidon Missile Nuclear Submarine), she was a Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine just arriving in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for Overhaul.  I chose this of course due to the location near my home town (Manchester, NH) and the chance to attend some college.

  •    1986 to 1989 stationed onboard:
    •  USS Kamehameha SSBN-642  
    • During my stay In the shipyard I attended many more, even deeper level, schooling on the same
       equipment as the Basic "C" schools covered.  This time we covered just the one piece of equipment
      TO A MORE DETAILED LEVEL. Each school was one to three weeks long and 8-9 hour days. The level 
      of  knowledge went into more detailed study of all data and timing signal flow, all power supply circuits and detailed programming instructions.   For each digital signal, we learned it, labeled it, followed it through 
      each circuit card and learned how to identify by troubleshooting when it was failing.  A list of some of the advanced maintenance schools I can remember are:
      • Central Navigation Computer
      • Magnetic tape unit data storage
      • Parallel to Parallel Converter
      • Serial to Parallel converter
      • Navigation Control Panel
      • LORAN Navigation equipment
      • SATNAV equipment
      • GPS receivers (military versions)
      • Radar Unit (2 separate schools)
        BPS-15 Radar and the SPA-25 Display
      • Early Warning Receiver (radar receiver and analyzer to detect and identify the enemies radar signal)
      • IFF Transponder (Identify Friend or Fo system)
In 1987 I Joined the crew of the USS Daniel Webster SSBN-626 GOLD For a three month (105 days) long Deterrent Patrol out of Holly Lock Scotland.  This was temporary duty and I was to returned to the Kamehameha after the patrol.  There I earned my Submarine Qualification Dolphins. I learned and qualified to stand many watch stations.  I was trained and designated system expert on the ships RADAR and Electronic Surveillance Systems. I later attended three very detailed advanced schools on this equipment as well. We enjoyed some liberty in Naples Italy for a show of power during A socialist rally (where we arrived through the Straights of Gibraltar and through the highly trafficked Mediterranean Sea UNDETECTED)
USS Daniel Webster SSBN-626
USS Kamehameha SSBN 642 In 1991, after five years with the Kamehameha I was reassigned to shore duty at the Naval Submarine Support Facility (NSSF), New London, Conn.    There I was assigned to the Navigation Electronics repair division.  Our job was to make repairs that where above the level of technicians aboard the boats (various fast attack SSN submarines).  I attended more schools of coarse.  For instance the BRD-7 was a high tech communications intercept system (it's job was to scan and listen for enemy communications and give detailed signal information and direction finding). I finished that school in first place out of seven.  For this I was rewarded with a nine month relocation to the Nuclear Repair Division (since I was still considered the new guy, they volunteered me).  There I became all too familiar with the job of a mechanic and with nuclear energy and radioactivity.   I guess I can brag that I have been inside the Reactor Compartment in a canary suit and touched the nuclear reactor itself...ooooooooooo
  • I took some core classes in College (History, Literature, Psychology etc...)  while in New London to put towards my AS degree.
  • In 1993 After a long stay with much experience under my belt I decided to take the  large cash offer from the Navy, to leave the service as part of their force reduction program after the cold war was over.   I departed for Fort Lauderdale, Florida to join my parents at a small CB shop and  repair department.
Naval Submarine Support Facility NSSF New London CT.





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