Bells CB Radio
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  • AM Mode only
  • 40 channel
  • Volume, Squelch, Mic Gain, RF Gain
  • Front Mic Jack (Standrd 4 Pin)
  • SWR meter
  • NB, ANL (Noise Blanker & Automatic Noise Limiter)
  • CB/PA
  • Tone Control
  • Brt/Dim
  • Ch. 19 Switch
  • Ext. speaker & PA jack
  • Mic, power cord and bracket included\
  • Same size as a Cobra 29Ltd.





... Texas Ranger TR-199MK1...
No longer


Optional Accessories

 Tune-up. (perform a tune-up to radio to increase power, audio and performance)  $29

Fan Options

 RFX-85 Final. (perform a tune-up to radio to increase power, audio and performance and replace the bipolar transistor final with a completely new final section consisting of even higher power MOSFETs)
AM carrier 15 watts and 75+ watts peak power.
 Perform Receiver improvement mods.
(These mods replace key RX parts for better sensitivity and selectivity)

Palomar SL-41 Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug)

 Turner RK-56 Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug)

 Astatic 636L Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug)
 Astatic RD104-E Amplified microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug and a battery installed)
 Install an Echo board. (BACK or SIDE)
(wired internal to the radio with dual controls on the side or back to control speed and echo effects TRB-X2/X3 Echo board)

Sound Byte link

 Install a Noise toy
(wired inside the radio with a switch or pushbutton to trigger any 30 second sound byte you want)

Sound Byte link

 Install a Noise toy as a background theme music
(wired inside the radio with a switch to play any background music at very low volume so you can talk over it.)
 Add a Small External Speaker
(plugs into back of the radio for improved sound)
 Add a Large External Speaker
(plugs into back of the radio for improved sound)


Install Nitro Knobs with dimmer control integration circuit built so it dims with the factory adjustment. 6 Knob set parts and labor.




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