200 watt maximum power output (PEP)
Power cord using an quick disconnect,
8 gauge wire and an AGU gold plated 50 amp fuse
New larger bottom heat sink with two internal fans
Blue LEDs for frequency and channel readouts
Blue meter lamp on our signature large meter
StarLite faceplate (backlit) (very very dim)
Red modulation LED under the meter
Side mic jack
AM/USB/LSB modes
Variable power output control
Variable receive gain control
Variable dimmer control for LEDs, meter lamp and faceplate
lettering which only changes a little
since they (lettering) were barely lit to begin with.
Switch to turn off the frequency digits
Variable Talkback circuit with on/off switch
Echo and Voice Changer with controls on the front panel
Roger Beep with on/off switch
Automatic SWR circuit
Standard clarifier circuit - no on/off switch
Same main PC board as the DX95T2
Well packaged shipping weight is 14 lbs.
Local testing shows 24 amps on AM and 45.6A max on SSB
(22.4A on min power)
This is one of those radios that SSB frequency accuracy drifts with temperature changes. We cannot
change this, it has been that way with these radios for many years. If you
can't live with it, don't buy this radio. Thank you.