Bells CB Radio
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Ranger Logo      10 Meter Base Station Radio

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      Designed to enhance any serious operators shack, this rack-mounted unit offers exceptional sound quality and large, easy-to-use controls. The RCI-2995DX has features that include: AM-CW-FM-SSB modes of operation, variable power, noise blanker and built-in heavy duty AC power supply and provides 150 watts PEP output, and a rear panel frequency meter output for measuring transmit operating frequency.

     Dual panel meters display received signal strength transmitter power output and antenna SWR. Clarifier audio tone controls for accurate receiver tuning improved reception under difficult conditions. Pushbutton selection of programming scanning functions, and programmable repeater split for FM operation enhances the renewed 10 meter repeater activity.

     The RCI-2995DX offers microprocessor-based advanced features typically found in high-end units costing several times as much, including programmable repeater offset and capabilities for a CTCSS tone option — great for increasing repeater activity on 10 meters — and receiver scanning for quick search of active frequencies. The unit offers three methods of frequency selection, non-volatile memory to store and scan up to ten favorite frequencies, scanning of selected frequency segment or stored frequencies and front panel frequency selector lockout .

     In addition, the RCI-2995DX offers an impressive array of design and performance improvements:
  • An improved receiver: designed for increased sensitivity and image rejections.
  • A double FET balanced mixer: for improved receiver inter-modulation rejection.
  • Surface mount components: for increased resistance to shock and vibration.



 White Display


  • 10 & 12 meter bands
  • RT-5 Mosfets for higher power 200w+ output.
  • Large frequency display with dimmer
  • Improved receiver design
  • New color back-light display
  • Variable output power control
  • Active frequency scanner
  • Ten programmable frequencies
  • Programmable repeater split
  • Receiver clarifier (±0.5kHz)
  • Dual panel meters
  • Noise blanker/ANL circuitry
  • Frequency selector lockout
  • Continuous duty built-in AC power supply
  • 2 year warranty from RANGER
    90 day warranty with Bells CB
  • Shipping weight and size (double boxed and oversized)
    • 33 pounds.
    • Inner Box with Foam inserts
    • inner box wrapped in 4 layers of bubble wrap and
      placed inside a larger Outer Box. (25 x 25 x 20
      )  this
      provides for shock protection that the foam inserts alone do not.
    • FEDEX Ground with $1000 insurance and Signature required

Mic wiring diagram


Ranger radios sometimes have a small scratch or ding that the factory covers with black touch up.  We cannot effect this and do not guarantee your radio to be cosmetically perfect.  Bells CB will make no marks or scratches on your radio ourselves.  Ranger might though and I cannot control it.   


We ask that if you may need Warranty service on this radio to please send directly to Ranger.  You can find all the information you need Here<---


Comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. Further information can be found at the FCC website or the ARRL website

Transmitting using this radio requires an Amateur Radio License. Licensing information can be obtained by visiting or In Canada, visit or


Tuned and Converted?
..RCI-2995DXHP ..

Optional Accessories
Select Above  Tune-up and frequency conversion. (Tune-up, Alignment
and expand the frequency range)
 Add a "Slider" option to your frequency conversion Modified the Clarifier for ability to control frequency on TX as well as RX, requires frequency realignment This mod is available to some who want it, but I don't necessarily recommend it) ( +/- 1 kHz range) $25

4P switch
 Install a 4P switch in the back to simultaneously do these 4 things:
1) Turn off the 200w amp.
   2) Turn off the Fan kit.
   3) Change internal settings when switch is off to give a better power range - in low
   4) Change the internal SSB settings so that you can get better SSB performance in low.
Switch Location
 PTT Port
 Install an EXTERNAL PTT keying port. We use your FREQ Counter output RCA jack.  Every time you key it provides a connection between the +/- of the RCA connector.
1) Output RCA completely isolated  from the radio. The RCA connects to a relay that isolates it from the radios circuits.
   2) Optional BYPASS switch in case your external device does not have one. (turns port off (stays open))
   3) Works all the time in high or low power modes..
   4) Heavy duty relay can handle any keying circuit voltage, even the SB-220's - 120VDC circuit.
 Install an CP-1 Top Gun Audio Compressor. (on - all the time) This amplifies your lower level audio on transmit. Helpfull in SSB only.
NOTE: It becomes difficult to use the Talkback even at low volume with this mod.
 Turner RK-56 Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 6 pin plug)
 Astatic 636L Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 6 pin plug)
 Astatic RD104-E Amplified microphone.
(wired with a 6 pin plug and a battery installed). Choose if you want Channel Up and Down buttons installed in the microphone.

 HP SwitchHigh Cut Filter Switch
(cut the high frequency (hiss) sound to a lower tone. Much easier to listen to, I wouldn't own a Ranger without this mod.)  
Type of echo
and switch location
Echo control in side Install an Echo Board
(wired internal to the radio with dual controls on the side or back(Normal echo and Turbo echo)
Recorder switchInstall a Record/Playback Module 120 seconds (wired inside the radio with  a switch to record up to 120 seconds and to play it back on air when you key) $77
Switch Option
Talkback switch Install Talkback
(wired inside the radio so that when you talk you can hear yourself. If you chose an Echo or a Recorder mod, I highly suggest this as well)

Sound Byte link

 Install a Noise toy
(wired inside the radio with a switch or pushbutton to trigger any 30 second sound byte you want, leave a link to the sound byte in the box)

Sound Byte link

 Install a Noise toy as a background theme music (wired inside the radio with a switch to play any background
 music at very low volume so you can talk over it.  leave a link to the sound byte in the box))

metersInstall brighter LED lighting Triple LED's behind each of the 2 meters. I like white the best and it's the only color I guarantee you will see bright and nice. The new  radios now have pretty decent single LED lights already so this mod is not as needed as the old days. $36
small speaker  Add a Small External Speaker
(plugs into back of the radio for improved sound)
Large Speaker  Add a Large External Speaker
(plugs into back of the radio for improved sound)

Keyboard changed to Blue
Change 8 green LED's with 8 Blue.
Height = 6.25" Width = 19.25" Depth = 16"
DC Input JackInstall DC Power input for Emergency use when power is out. Prepper ready. Comes with 8 Gauge Power Cord (10 foot), AGU Fuse and XT90E-M, DC Jack for high amperage 2 Pin Quick connection.
Pwr Cord Upgrade 8G power CordXT90 plug
   4 Pin to 6 Pin microphone adapter $10


BELLSCB has found the SWR meters to be unusable
(They read 2:1 on a 3:1 test load) and cannot be calibrated.

Tuned up values on these watt meters
Dosy Bird RMS * Bird 43P
AM/FM 4~50w 4~50w 4~50w
Peak AM 18~105w 7~41w 50~235w
SSB 120~180w 100~175w 175~220w


Tuned up values on these watt meters
With optional AMP switch OFF
Dosy Bird RMS * Bird 43P
AM / FM 1~4w 1~4w 1~4w
Peak AM 2~7w 2~5w 12~32w
SSB 4~8w 3~6w 16~30w
* The most informative meter and the one we use. 02/19/25

We highly recommend one of these microphones wired
6-pin because the stock mic sounds like a dixie cup.

Astatic 636L and RD104E.

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