There are
now 2 RFX85 choices: the standard
RFX85 and the new RFX85HD high drive.
 The RFX85 circuit includes driver stage,
amplifier stage and low pass filter. The RFX85
is your choice for 10 meter radio repairs and
upgrades that require replacing the radio’s
driver and final amplification stages. It replaces the final stage so it
is ON all the time and cannot be bipassed.
The RFX85HD circuit includes only the final
amplifier stage and low pass filter which
makes for a quicker and easier installation in some units. The RFX85HD
is your choice for 10
meter radio repairs and upgrades when the final transistor good and
intact and if you want to have the 85 in or out of line (on/off).
Both RFX85 units feature the new fan-ready
heatsink design and variable bias controls
for better tuning on SSB radio installations.
This is a complicated modification and should not be done by an amateur.
should probably leave the installation and alignment to
proven technician.
