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Cobra 29LTD Chrome Face

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29 LTD C

Chrome CB Radio

Now with FM !!

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The 29 LTD Classic has been the standard of excellence in professional CB radios for over 50 years. Now you can get the classic CB with new dual-mode AM/FM so you'll have clearer sound with less background noise. Cobra 29 LTD CB radios are known for their performance, reliability, and durability and will provide you with years of reliable service. Now, thanks to Cobra's leadership to enable FM mode usage with CBs used in the United States, you can enjoy dual-mode AM/FM functionality in your CB.

 Internally, the 29 LTD is based on the classic 29 LTD but with new FM electronics.
  Like previous Cobra 29 LTD, the new 29LTD includes 4 Watts AM RF power output, the maximum allowed by law, instant access to emergency channel 9 and information channel 19, as well as Delta Tune to clarify incoming signals and adjustable Dynamike® boost, which increases the microphone’s sensitivity for increased voice clarity.

Cobra 29LTD Chrome AM/FM

Cobra 29LTD Chrome AM-FM\

Cobra 29LTD-C-AM-FM


Cobra 29LTD Chrome

Cobra 29LTD Chrome


The item most overlooked when ordering a custom radio is the microphone.  Your new radio will NOT sound great with a stock mic on it even if you have it tuned.  If your CB is more than a tool for work, you NEED to upgrade your microphone. 
My personal favorites are the
Astatic 636L and RD104E.


Unit Dimensions: 7-1/4 x 2-1/4 x 8-5/8
Microphone Type: 4 Pin Screw-On Dynamike
Frequency Control: Phase Lock Loop Synthesizer
RF Output Power: 4 Watts (Maximum FCC allowed)
CB Channels: 40 Channels (26.965 to 27.405 MHz)
Individual Carton
Dimension: (in)
11-7/8 x 13-1/8 x 2-3/4


Cobra 2 Year Warrantee

For Operational or Technical Assistance with a Cobra Product call Cobra at 1-773-889-3087. You'll find answers to many of your questions in our Their FAQ's section. Cobra's automated help desk is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Live operators are available Monday through Friday 8 AM to 8 PM CST




AM/FM CB difference -- the story behind the
FCC petition that launched dual-mode radios in U.S.
A great description of what to expect from FM as far as clarity and range. 
Courtecy of "Overdrive" on YouTube

...Cobra 29LTD AM/FM...



Optional Accessories

 Tune-up. Perform a tune-up to radio to increase power, audio and performance.  $29

 NEW MOSFET Final. (perform a tune-up to radio to increase power, audio and performance and replace the bipolar transistor final with a higher power MOSFET) $59
 Change factory power cord to a 10 Gauge Power Cord (14 foot) and modify the DC Jack for high amperage 2 Pin Quick connector. A 3300uF Capacitor is also added for additional DC filtering. This is only helpful when you have the RFX-95HD2 and is NOT required for a stock radio
10G power cordStryker SR-955 Power Cord UpgradeStryker SR-955 Power Cord UpgradeStryker SR-955 Power Cord Upgrade
RFX Fans FAN KIT Installed Install TWO- 40 x 40 x 20mm Black Fans with a switch for on/off combined with the amp on/off switch.I use also a relay isolated low noise power input system. $79 
Switch Option
Dead Key
 Low Dead Key (carrier). (perform a tune-up to radio to increase peak power with loud audio a lower carrier (dead key). This is perfect to match many amplifier types. $49
 VARIABLE POWER Install a power regulator / super modulator circuit and a front panel control installed in the delta tune location. Smooth Variable AM carrier from 1/2w to 5 watts. Includes a full Tune and Alignment to the radio. $79

 Perform Receiver improvement mods.
(These mods replace key RX parts for better sensitivity and selectivity)
RK-56  Turner RK-56 Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug)
RK-56  Astatic 636L Noise Canceling microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug)
 Astatic RD104-E Amplified microphone.
(wired for this radio with a 4 pin plug and a battery installed)
Delta tune Echo Install an Echo Board.
(Front Delta Tune location)

(wired internal to the radio with dual controls in the front  to control speed and echo effects)

Sound Byte link

 Install a Noise toy
(wired inside the radio with a switch or pushbutton to trigger any 30 second sound byte you want)

Sound Byte link

 Install a Noise toy as a background theme music
(wired inside the radio with a switch to play any background music at very low volume so you can talk over it.)
  Iswitch recordernstall a Record/Playback Module 120 seconds (wired inside the radio with  a three way switch on the side to record 120 seconds and to play it back) $77
  Install a Roger Beep  Module (wired inside the radio using the CH9 switch for on/off) $79
small speaker  Add a Small External Speaker
(plugs into back of the radio for improved sound)
Large Speaker  Add a Large External Speaker
(plugs into back of the radio for improved sound)

Cobra 29LTD C with Nitro Knobs
Star Brite Knobs with a dimmer control. Includes a 6 Knob set , parts and labor.
Starbryte rings no knobsInstall Star Brite RINGS  with a dimmer control. Includes a 6 Ring set , parts and labor. $154 
Diomand plate covers  Exchange the top and bottom covers to Diamond Plate Covers. $22
Klink Bracket K-Link Radio Supports makes for a great Table top base station $25 


Tuned up values on these watt meters
Dosy Bird RMS *Bird
AM/FM 5w 5w 5w
Peak 12w 6w 25w
* Most informative and the one we use.
Values with MOSFET Final
Dosy Bird RMS *Bird
AM/FM 9w 9w 9w
Peak 26w 11w 52w

CB Microphone Wiring (Galaxy)
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